And We Praised You!

A big thank-you to everyone who supported the One Life event on Saturday night! We had so many things to celebrate and I left thinking we had so much more to say. A couple of hours can’t put forward all the moments and stories in which God truly worked through One Life this year. Please continue to follow us on Facebook.

…The Lord is Good!

Your prayers offered in faith, have seen the fruition of Pastor led meetings and the unity of many indigenous ministries surrounding the base….and for the first time in, who knows when, many are working together! Back home, different denominations are doing the same for this same purpose. With a little collusion, a lot of prayer, and faith we are beginning to see change and a difference.

…this ministry is truly blessed to work with so many supporting churches at home and abroad.

Several times in the last couple of days, I have heard that the evening felt like we were together in one spirit. Even though we are a collection of many churches and organizations, the Lord is networking amongst us back home as He is in the Baja. Praise God!

Today at 5:00pm was the monthly Pastors meeting at the Los Olivos base. I don’t have all the details yet, but this is what we are all about…unity and a common heart for Godly things between the indigenous churches as they work together to reach out to the lost. If One Life can be a “hand up” and a neutral venue for that, we are doing what the Lord has called us to.

Thank-you again for all the continued prayer and support for this work. May the Lord bless you, your families, and our Savior be glorified through this ministry!


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