Fall 2011

It has been a really short trip but, God continues to reveal to us how amazing He is. This time with Dwayne and Randy has been quite revealing. At every turn new opportunities present themselves and we are given further insight into God’s leading.

The day started with lots of discussion around breakfast and a short trip south. Over lunch: Dwayne, Isiais and I discussed a cross cultural mission’s trip with Pastor Basilio for the fall…possibly around Easter. In-between we had the opportunity to put tangible thought towards preparing Los Olivos for the next step in our building program (pieces are coming together, praise the Lord). The evening brought another answer to prayer that goes back to the beginning of Los Olivos. With a connection to 33 different ministries around us I am having a hard time keeping up and so does OL’s plans to be a resource for them and the community.

However, there is a feeling between us that we are on to the next stage of what God wants to accomplish down here and we are excited to be servants in that. Once again we are running rather than walking. Praise God for all those who pray for this and contribute to this work tangibly through actions and financial support.

Lots more to unpackage in further blogs…

During our time here we listened to many stories about abuse, tragedy, and need. Please pray for God to multiply the work the local church is doing through indigenous Pastors. Most Pastors work through the day to earn a living so they can minister by night. These average men and women sacrifice everything to make sure no one is lost or neglected. I have learnt much from their character and am blessed to call many of them friends.




Dwayne, Randy, and I arrived safely last night and spent today around Los Olivos connecting with Isaias’ family.

Things are going well down here. Los Olivos looks amazing and Isaias continues to amaze us with all the new landscaping and rock work. It was great to see their family again and connect over a few laughs. Jafet has a new dog and Isaias grand-daughter was on site. It was really cute as she spoke to us in Triki and Spanish…following us around Los Olivos…very cute…barely understood a word she said.

Isaias presented some needs from a few Pastors I had never met before and look forward to spending time with. With a growing indigenous church around us, the Lord is moving! Today, I was reminded again how the Lord prepared the way. We are here at the right time and in the right place. May the Lord use us to our full potential. The need is great here and we heard several times today the reality of life without Jesus and the consequences of poor life choices.


Read more…


On July 18th, 30 Pastors gathered together to worship God and wrestle with unity, using Los Olivos as a neutral venue.

.…some travelled over 400kms to attend

Pastor Isaias led the service, with a strong message from Pastor Rubin and wife Selena to unite all the parts of the body. Selena shared the life of a Pastor’s wife. Pastor Octavio provided a message before Comida. Ed figured over 130 burgers were served to the Pastoral families in attendance.

Thank-you Lord Jesus! (2nd Kings 6:16)

Sólo que Jesús


It was such a pleasure to spend Saturday night with friends and family. So many came together to make this night possible:
  1. Our Musician (Sam)
  2. The Caterers (Dianne)
  3. Chilliwack Alliance (Theresa & staff)
  4. And all those who gave of their time (Linda Mann, Deanna’s family, and others)

This ministry would not be possible without:

  1. My wife & children
  2. The Board of One Life
  3. OL Staff – Brenda Ferrier, Deanna McDonald, Lauren Hills, and Matt Vanderkwaak
  4. The ongoing support from Teams and their help

Without everyone’s help, there would be several families still living in desperate need, local churches deprived of encouragement, and communities without a hand up.

Hearing from Pastor Basilio and others on Saturday night, the need is obvious….the world needs Jesus! Never in history has our condition been more obvious.

Again, here is the Need:It is estimated that the population of the world reached one billion for the first time in 1805. 122 years later our world population reached two billion in 1927, but it took only 33 years to rise by another billion people….reaching three billion in 1960. On October 31 the United Nations projects the world population will reach seven billion on October 2011.

That means: The fulfilling of Matthew 28:19-20 is more important than ever! The Word reads:

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”

More souls are at risk than at any other time in history. At no other time in human existence do we need to be more intentional and focused.

Everything that came forward Saturday night will be directed towards this work. Thank-you for your support and obedience; it will be multiplied many times.

Rob Wall



Please join us on October 22nd as we reflect on the past year and look forward to 2012.

Chilliwack Alliance Church
8700 Young Rd, Chilliwack, BC
V2P 4P4
7:00 PM

It has been an amazing year and the night will be filled with testimonies, video, and updates on the current condition around this work. Lord willing Pastor Basilio will be joining us with his wife Yolanda and we will hear about the condition of those we serve.

Once again the night is without obligation.


Can’t believe so much time has passed since my last blog! Been really busy with work, ministry, & life stuff. Since I last wrote, God has been doing amazing things with this work and in the hearts of people we support.

Pastor Isaias and family continue the ministry at Los Olivos with continued persistence and effort towards uniting the churches of the San Quintin Valley. Once again, this September, Isaias hosted the Pastor Ministerial and encouraged us with his words;

Translated to English:

“Today was a great blessing, God came were there were few in a special way to this group of pastors. Many of the pastors prayed for rain in the valley, also for the coming weddings. Pastor Ruben also prayed for rain and Pastor Israel for marriages. Pastor Basilio prayed for unity amongst the churches.”

A work has begun in the San Quintin Valley and the Lord is working through Pastor Isaias and his family to unite a valley of churches that serve the same God! Being a neutral place, Los Olivos poses no threat and provides an opportunity for Pastoral families to come together without challenge. We have no agenda but, to serve the surrounding church.

October 22 marks our 2nd annual “Dessert & Support Night.” Lord willing, we will again present new updates and testimonies from those in the field. This year, we hope to have Pastor Basilio and his wife Yolanda speak into the condition of the people around the San Quintin Valley. Evites have been sent out but, you can also find us on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/pages/One-Life-One-Chance/148799638503492

Continue to pray for Matt Vanderkwaak as he bikes across Canada for awareness to the work in Mexico and for safety as he is riding into winter. You can read his blog @ https://Matthewbikes.tumblr.com/

I am continually humbled by the work of the OL staff and board of One Life. It is a lost cause when one equates earthly gain. They do this for Jesus not wanting gain or recognition. It ripples through the lives of many and goes unseen.

Spent some time in the Word tonight around Missions; given…Matthew 16:24-26 means so much more. We serve because Luke 24:13-33 speaks of the linage from Moses through all the prophets for salvation; Ephesians 3:2-6 explains it was God’s plan all along for the whole world to be saved; and John 20:19-22 states that He not only commanded us to go but, He “breathed on us” to give us the help we needed through the Holy Spirit….and that really messes me up.

We serve an amazing God! I love Psalm 69:13 because the Lord is all about seasons yet, in the midst of transition and challenge he brings clarity.

So many contribute to this ministry and we thank-you for the prayers and continued support; the Lord is moving quicker than we can respond to. In our board meeting today, a member said, “we started this ministry running.” We never had the chance to walk up to the start line…This speaks so much to the work the Lord is doing every-day in Mexico. Every-day, the game changes and everyday we need your help and prayer support as we move forward. 2 Chronicles 16:9a stuff.

The Lord is uniting His “Bride” around the world and I can’t wait! For His return!!

One Life One Chance

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San Quintin Pastors Conference 2024

Our Pastors Conference was an amazing time of fellowship, worship, and learning together! We were blessed to connect with so many incredible leaders and grow

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