God Has Been Good

It has been a busy season at Los Olivos as the heat rises and summer draws closer! We can see God at work in Mexico – pastors coming together, husbands and wives growing closer, children being loved and accepted – and this is still just the beginning.

Over the past few weeks, we have had some special events take place at Los Olivos, starting with our first Marriage Retreat. We sent an invitation to pastors and their spouses in the San Quintin area, and many were quick to accept. This retreat was meant to provide some refreshment and renewal for the pastor couples that came, as often they are so busy pouring into the people of their congregations that they aren’t poured into. Some great guest speakers from Ensenada came and ministered to the couples in attendance, reminding them of the importance of keeping their marriage and families strong. The retreat was a big blessing, and many have requested that this be an annual event. We are hoping to make it so!

A few days later, Los Olivos was opened up to the children, parents, and teachers of the Special Needs School for an all-day event. This school does not get a lot of support from the government or from the community, and we felt that it would be a blessing to them to just open up the grounds for them to come and enjoy themselves. The kids had a great time in the pool, and the parents and teachers were so appreciative. Stan Schulz (Director of Indigenous Ministries) said, “I was close to tears a few times as I watched the kids in the pool and then later watching children with different disabilities being helped take turns at hitting the piñata. Once it finally broke open there was a mad rush by all, parents included, to get the candy…today was an awesome day…”

Work on our Admin. Building & Prayer Room has also been progressing over the past few months, and by now it is close to complete! It is exciting to see how this building is already being used to draw people together. Pastors of the area have continued to come together at Los Olivos for monthly prayer and fellowship, only now they are able to meet in the Prayer Room! We hope to see more and more pastors be drawn to this place and experience the sense of unity that is being stirred up in those who have attended.

God has been good! We are so thankful for what he has done this spring, and we look forward to an incredible summer!

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San Quintin Pastors Conference 2024

Our Pastors Conference was an amazing time of fellowship, worship, and learning together! We were blessed to connect with so many incredible leaders and grow

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