In You

In the last few weeks the property west of Los Olivos was purchased. It almost tripled the “foot-print” of the current base and brought to fruition years of prayer. It took almost a year to complete the purchase, but PTL (Praise the Lord)…the land is His today!! As a plan to protect, this property will be used to move the school and provide a foster parent orphanage away from the existing base. We always prayed and hoped, but never expected things to move this quickly.


As I walked the new land last week…I was overwhelmed by what could happen here. The land is so big. It is currently filled by a kingdom of ants and spiders but, this land is truly His! So many have walked this fence line and prayed for more. In Jesus, this land will bring life to the broken and abandoned. It will bring hope and opportunity. It will give a step up to those who would otherwise have no options and I am so excited about this!


With another summer almost behind us, we have been so blessed by the teams that have come and staff that have served. Matt Maher says in his songAlive Again “You rose to my deafness.” The Word says in John 9:25. “I was blind, but now I see.” Being here brings clarity and lives have been changed internally for eternity…back home and abroad.


I had the privilege of visiting a family this summer that had nothing. When we were invited into their home, most of the family was missing…but they didn’t want us to leave. When we suggested we would come back, they held us there until the rest of the family could arrive. During the visit, we walked away more blessed than the blessing we came with. Our tokens of food and material goods were brought into perspective as they took the only item from their fridge to feed us. They even gave corn from the crop they painstakingly grew for their own family. Before we left…we were each prayed for and blessed more than we had given. In this, the background was Jesus and we were all family. This global village is all of our responsibility…one home, one village, and one country at a time.


Summer to date:


1) Los Olivos has been the place of many baptisms and a further effort to reach out to the indigenous church as a neutral place. Being neutral, it continues to fulfill our prayers and provide an opportuitunity and platform for the indigenous church to come together. This coming Monday the surrounding Pastors will meet to pray in the new building. Please pray for continued unity and favor from the Lord as needs are shared and the enemy overcome.

2) In the past month, One Life has reached out to the special needs community, schools, fireman, and police in the community as a free service. Many have enjoyed the site and appreciated it. Interestingly, we are discovering who is connected through each church and developing “bridges” around that. The threads to families and different churches are endless, thanks to the work of ourstaff.

3) The property has hosted six Canadian teams to date. Through them, seven buildings have been constructed. Six for families and one for a whole community! Additional details can be found on our Facebook page.

4) Outside ministry has seen the construction of a dining hall in the community of San Francisco. Kudos’ to Yarrow Alliance and financial supporters to make the prayer of Pastor Jose and Elisia come to fruition! Kick-off week saw 70 children fed and taught hygiene. As Yarrow and Crossroads Community Church reached out, this building will leave a legacy. The unity of the two teams spoke volumes into my life and the community of San Francisco. Since then…it has only grown and taken hold.

5) The new building is painted inside and a brother from Abbotsford, Vic Ratzlaff, has worked through the night to complete the finishing. We are now looking at floor finishes and the exterior stucco. John Frede has organized this and it will be complete mid August. PTL for putting this all together!

6) The summer staff of 2013 has been such a blessing! PTL for their openness to the Spirit and willingness to help wherever is needed.


This work could not happen without your continued prayers and support and I can not say enough to our Father about your support. You are the workmanship of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bring blessing to you and your families as you support us through prayer and action! What a privilege to work with you all and the unity it provides. Though the evil one has his plans, the Lord is so much greater!


Thank-you to all those who have made this work possible and cast your bread upon the waters of San Quintin…it will be multiplied!

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