
A couple of weeks ago, I scribbled down a verse and later thought it was insignificant. i went so far as to throw it out.

…All last week I struggled to remember what it was!

In the last seven days, a church from Chilliwack, BC blessed another family with a home. It was amazing as I witnessed how the Lord worked through this team and affirmed a connection to this house-build. Pastora Eli spoke from 2 Chronicles 7:14 and followed-through with a healing message to the community of Las Casitas. This team worked so hard and gave all they could to make a difference!

And it did…

While they were here:


  1. Hundreds of children where ministered too.
  2. A single mother of two was given a “hand up.” She was blessed with a home and given opportunity…bridged through Pastora Eli.
  3. A Canadian Doctor ran a medical clinic in a room above the church.
  4. The church expanded its property (a previous group raised the funds within 24 hours as it was disclosed that the land-owner would push out the church and its interests).
  5. This team cleaned up, prepared for, and made way for thousands to use the Los Olivos site.
  6. Seventeen people were impacted to bring this experience back to Chilliwack and make a difference back home.


We are continually blessed by teams. Tomorrow, I pick up two more groups and it will ripple through two separate communities. The Lord is Good! And has a plan!!

Nehemiah 4:14 says…

14 After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”

Today 40+ Pastor wives met at Los Olivos. In addition, a number of youth did the same for prayer and unity. Tomorrow, the local Pastors will gather for intercessory prayer.

Continue to pray for this ministry as the ememy hates what we do. The Lord is moving in the Baja and what a privilege to be a part of it.

You are the salt of the earth!

2 Kings 6:16-17

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