Parting Words

It has a been a year of adventure. Traveling Canada twice (once a bike and then again with a touring band), spending a summer up in the woods of northern BC planting trees, living in an co-op community project with 25 other 20-somethings, and spending time with the staff and directors of One Life investing in the Organization and its ministries. Between travel and tree planting escapades I have been at work redesigning the way One Life communicates with the web, and after a year the project is nearly finished. This fall marks the end of my time on staff with One Life and I will be moving to the prairies to study Humanities at Briercrest. I’m thankful for everyones support and prayers.

Matthew Vanderkwaak

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San Quintin Pastors Conference 2024

Our Pastors Conference was an amazing time of fellowship, worship, and learning together! We were blessed to connect with so many incredible leaders and grow

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