Pastor Ministerials, Creating Unity

Pillar of Ministry

The pastors’ ministerials are such a large pillar of our ministry. In short, these gatherings serve as a time where pastors meet at Los Olivos for a time of worship, fellowship, sermons, meetings, and strategic planning.

Notably, the landscape of pastoral relationships in the Valley has undergone a profound transformation since the inception of this program. Previously there was a lot of division amongst the pastors of the valley, but these ministerials have fostered reconciliation and unity among pastors. Witnessing former rivals evolve into allies has been nothing short of a testament to God’s grace.

The ripple effects of this newfound Unity extend far beyond the walls of Los Olivos. We’ve observed growth within the church, a tangible feeling of Unity, and an increase in individuals embracing the transformative power of Christ.

The pastors ministerials are so crucial to our ministry in San Quintin. However, the financial constraints we currently face threaten the continuity of these vital gatherings. To sustain and expand this impactful initiative, we urgently require $5100 in funding.

We implore you to join us in prayerful consideration of this need and to generously contribute to this cause. Your support will not only ensure the continuation of the ministerials but also facilitate the ongoing transformation of lives and communities in San Quintin.

Evangelism and Equipping

This funds covers all ministry and outreach projects. Things like Pastor Ministerial's, Pastor's conference, Unity San…

This funds covers all ministry and outreach projects. Things like Pastor Ministerial’s, Pastor’s conference, Unity San Quintin, Women’s Events, and much more!

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Donation Total: $25.00

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