Staff Update

It’s been an amazing year! God has blessed us with incredible people to work with and an amazing staff!

Many have volunteered and some raised support for their work. In all, we are convinced that the Lord brings those who are called. I am learning that the Lord has many plans and the work that goes on in Mexico has many interesting twists and surprises. In all of that, I am sure He has brought great people to serve…so many made sacrifices, but all were committed to fulfilling God’s call on their lives

…I am privileged to have the company of these people!

Unfortunately, life moves on and we have to say good-bye to Lauren Hills and Matt Vander Kwaak. Both are pursuing their education and continuing their work towards the things that called them here.

Lauren Hills:

Have no words…she’s a “star.”

Lauren is currently enrolled at the University of Ottawa in order to finish her undergraduate degree in International Development, the study of local and international impoverished communities and the types of policies, programs, and aid that can be initiated in order to establish sustainable change for the better. Looking at how politics, economics, anthropology, and history interrelate in specific people groups.

For those who don’t know, Lauren has been an integral part of the charity. She has physically worked hard on the ground, given two years of her time, and provided many of the images for OL to date. I can’t give a higher recommendation!

Lauren continues to work with OL for those transitioning into her position, but will be missed on multiple levels. You can access her parting blog at:

Matthew Vanderkwaak:

I am convinced that someday I will be buying his music or books online. It was such a privilege to work with Matt!

In his work with OL, Matt peddled his bike across Canada, to bring awareness for this work. He raised support so that this ministry could be represented well and is still committed to that purpose. Developing several “beta” sites for One Life, we expect to go live very soon with his work.

Continuing his education at Briercrest Bible College in Caronport, Saskatchwan; we wish him well. I am looking forward to the unraveling of what Matt has committed his whole life too…something more.

Looking forward, Matt will complete his work with those transitioning into his position. Expect a lot of changes to the web page in the coming weeks!

You can read his parting words in the post beneath this one.

Moving forward, One Life welcomes Heather McMaster as she fills these vacancies and builds a team around her. We have a lot to say about her in the coming weeks, but you can have a sneak peek at:



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