Summer 2011

Brenda, Dakota, and I arrived home yesterday. It was great to see David and we are thankful for the blessing he is in our life!

I know…I’ve been quite “thin” with my blogs this summer, but I trust you have been following Deanna’s blog? Deanna has covered many things I’ve missed (Thank-you Deanna). Nevertheless, it has been another amazing summer! We had a few challenges and lost staff to other ventures, but the Lord continues to bless the work down here:

Change is in the air…

This summer I have met more Pastors than I can remember names. Respectfully, Brenda and I have begun friendships that will last a lifetime. We are blessed to be next to a community of Pastors that only want Jesus. We arrived home yesterday, but so much seems undone. Please pray for;

1) The monthly connection of Pastors at Los Olivos
2) Pastor Isaiah and his family as they minister to the many churches that surround the base.
3) Protection of this ministry as we support the local church.

We had the privilege, this summer, of hosting many teams from Canada; Yarrow, CLA, Broadway, Southview, Southridge, Arnold, Heartland, and GIBC…not to mention the individuals who came down independently. Each team or person was a blessing and we gained so much from their help. Many sleep in a new home or have food tonight because of their help. Most importantly, the help was multiplied through each Pastor (church) they worked with.

Celia and family are doing well (under “Get Involved” on this web page). I will blog more about this family later in her profile, but it was difficult for them this summer. Without the support of many back home my report would be quite different. Pastor Isaiah and his wife Anna have taken this family on and will make sure they are looked after.

On Monday, the 22nd of August, OLOC hosts another meeting of the Pastors at Los Olivos. Please pray for Pastor Isaiah as he hosts the event. Isaiah has suggested it will be a bigger event than the last. With Ed no longer a part of the event, it will be entirely indigenous. May the Lord bless Ed for his effort in initiating the beginnings of what has had fruit.

All of the above couldn’t be accomplished without the competent staff we worked with this summer. Anna, April, Deanna, Dakota, Ed, Isaias, Jason – Bev & family, Lauren, Jafet, Jordon, Justin, and Uriel. Each person sacrificed more than can be expressed through words. We love you all and miss you much! May the Lord have favor on you!!

The enemy may have “foot-holds” but the Lord has won the battle with His sacrifice on the cross!! Lives are being changed down here, Churches are expanding, and many have access to the Word. Not to mention the improvement in living conditions.

I said it in the last blog, but:

Judges 17 “Then Manoah inquired of the angel of the LORD, “What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word comes true?”

Here is the amazing (great, exciting, wow) part!

18 “He replied, “Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding.”

If the Lord’s name is without comprehension, so is His work.


I have been spending some time in Judges lately. As my faith grows I am quite consumed in the Old Testament.

On Friday Ed left Los Olivos and Saturday Justin flew home. Change is in the air. Interestingly, God has already started some threads and we are praying forward.

This summer I have met more Pastors than I can remember names. Respectfully, Brenda and I have begun friendships that will last a lifetime. We are blessed to be next to a community of Pastors that only want Jesus. We leave in two weeks and so much seems undone.

Los Olivos continues to be a battle ground. Strange things happen that defy anything back home and would take to much time to describe. Yet, they are common for our situation…local churches affirm the push-back. Our neighboring churches have been wrestling this for years and pushing back darkness is nothing new.

Last week I was speaking to a Pastor that was describing the situation around the base. He said;

“the area beyond San Quintin is filled with witchcraft. Our church walked around our town in prayer; because the enemy placed four hooded figures at the corners of our community…they were praying to the enemy against us.”

The enemy is so real down here that he manifests himself physically and produces spiritual road-blocks at every turn. Positively, God is making inroads to almost every community we work in and is changing lives! Our God will not be undone…please continue to pray!

Back to the God of Judges (Chapter 13):

“17 Then Manoah inquired of the angel of the LORD, “What is your name, so that we may honor you when your word comes true?” 18 He replied, “Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding.”

Personally, I come against an enemy that can bring the ruin of me, but I serve a God that has a name beyond understanding! OL is weak by itself, but we serve in His strength. Together; the Mexican Pastors, Board, Staff, and I claim victory through what our Lord did on the cross and resurrection. Our God has already won!

Gracias a Dios


With support, the board of One Life One Chance has accepted the resignation of Ed Friesen. It is with regret that we are losing Ed, but are grateful for all he has contributed and wish him well in this next stage of life. With an amenable parting, both Ed and One Life are working together for the transition out of Mexico. With many ministry threads to be passed forward, Ed is finishing his time at Los Olivos building a platform for others to fill his position. Honoring his commitment to OLOCM and supporters, Ed is completing with a passion to bring indigenous ministries together and finish well.

During Ed’s time with One Life One Chance Ministries, he has demonstrated devotion to God’s calling and One Life’s purpose statement. With conviction and sacrifice Ed has spent the last two years serving the orphans and widows, connecting with surrounding ministries, and managing the grounds of Los Olivos. Even as he leaves, a legacy continues to push forward further ministry around San Quintin. His ministry will leave behind good friends and a void to those his life impacted. Please continue to pray for Ed as he moves in a new direction and away from familiar surroundings.

On August 31st Ed’s term will end with One Life One Chance Ministries. Ed will be traveling home mid-August, from Mexico, and will be seeking employment in Canada for September. Any post-dated cheques, in support of Ed, will be returned or shredded at your discretion by email. Should you want to continue your support; the monies will be used to further the work Ed was engaged in.

Once again, Ed’s footprint was large and he will be missed by staff and ministries abroad. Moving forward we wish him the best and pray for God’s blessing on his life as he continues to minister in the vocation of his choosing. Thank-you for your sacrificial giving as you helped Ed accomplish all the amazing work he did through Christ.

The Board of One Life One Chance Ministries


Yesterday my uncle Mun passed away. He leaves behind a legacy that spans 60 years of evangelism and Kingdom building. At 91 he passed into the Lord’s presence sitting up with anticipation of more. A big tent revivalist, he walks with many into eternity. My Uncle Mun leaves behind a wife and family that spans four generations. Please pray for my Aunt Adeline as she weathers this.

FYI: My Uncle Mun’s last name is Hope.

With almost twenty years of ministry in the Baja and three years of 1/2 time ministry around San Quintin…this past week has convinced me more than ever that the Lord has plans for our neighborhood. Whenever the enemy pushes back, I delight in how the Lord wins the war!

I mentioned in my last blog, that we were plagued by a generator that would not shut off. The next night there was silence…thank-you for your prayers. After 21 + days it was silenced and we could continue ministry! On Friday morning the Police showed up, suggesting more. Interestingly, many prayed for the farmers and truth. Let’s continue to pray for salvation and truth.

We are at war around the base. Given the connection to work within surrounding ministry, it is not a surprise. What is silly has become the norm and become common. The enemy is throwing curve-balls but our resolve is the same:

1 John 4:4 NIV

4 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.One Life has hope in the above. The enemy has no foot-hold or place in this work. In Jesus, we win…Period…It is finished!

As previously mentioned, July 18th is the gathering of many churches. Again, they are meeting at Los Olivos for another opportunity to unite the “Body,” for renewal and revival. Your prayer support is vital!

Mun Hope leaves behind a life of commitment and ripple…Hope. I am honored to be left in his ripple as he committed his life to Christ.


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Our Pastors Conference was an amazing time of fellowship, worship, and learning together! We were blessed to connect with so many incredible leaders and grow

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