By Manuel Morales
Executive Director, Mexico
We have all had frustrations because of everything that is happening with COVID-19. All the countries in the world are suffering, but I want to tell you a little bit about what is happening in my country, Mexico.
In our country, the situation is worse each day. The number of cases continues to rise, and in my state, Baja California, there are many cases because we are a border state with California, USA. My region is an area that is sustained by agriculture, so, unfortunately, most of the people cannot stop working and stay home. Not only because their jobs are essential to the state’s economy, but also because these people live day by day, and they need to eat. If they don’t work, they don’t eat.

I have been a part of One Life for two years now, and I know that this ministry has been a great blessing for the community of San Quintin. This place is full of people that come from all over to work, migrant people looking for a better life for their family. Most of them make a drastic change and come here with nothing, not even a home, to start over again. Many of them come with their small children, and it is very sad to see these desperate situations. This is why One Life exists – to support these people who are trying to overcome their circumstances, seek God, and give a better life to their children.

With this global crisis that we are going through, many people need help. There are elderly people that have no source of income, large families that don’t have enough to survive. That is why through One Life, we want to help these people that so need our support. But we know that this ministry moves through you – through your contributions and donations. We are aware that everyone is struggling right now, and we all have frustrations, we all have needs. But we also know that there is a time to help others. We want to continue to bless the lives of so many more people, but we can only achieve that with your help.
Please consider a donation to One Life today to help struggling families. May God bless each one of your lives.
“You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us, your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”
2 Corinthians 9:11