Our Daily Bread

“Give us this day…”

During this unique time in history, all of us are navigating change. This crisis has heightened our understanding of how little control we have over so many daily things. The words of Jesus, “…give us this day, our daily bread…” resonate as we are more acutely reminded that He is indeed our source for everything. We are grateful for our God who sees and is sovereign.

We wanted to connect with you to inform you of how this new normal is affecting the ministry and the people we serve in San Quintin. At this time, our staff and board teams are making efforts to work as efficiently as possible while still pursuing the tasks the Lord has laid before us. We know that the decisions we make with our finances now affect more than our bank balance. They impact lives.

Earlier this week, Executive Director in Mexico, Manuel Morales, sent us a note describing the current situation in Mexico and the Baja. The government is enforcing similar social distancing measures as have been instilled here in Canada. The difficulty of the situation there is compounded by heavy rains last month, which damaged crops and prevented planting, which in turn means that many who rely on the agriculture industry for employment are now out of work. We know that many families rely on their income from working in the fields to purchase the daily bread they need. 

“…our daily bread.”

Our team is committed to doing all we can to continue being the hands and feet of Jesus as we are able, but many of our plans for this year are now on hold. These plans and daily ministry activities would have provided food and spiritual soul-care for many. Would you pray with us for the Lord to multiply what each family has, and that he would provide what is needed for each day? We know that Jesus Christ is our living Bread and His words feed us and sustain us even more than food.

We can’t do this without you! In these challenging financial times, will you consider standing with One Life by giving as you are able? Your response will mean so much.

Thank you for your continued support and confidence in this ministry. As we pray for our friends in San Quintin, we also pray for you as you navigate this strange time with your own families and businesses. We’re so very grateful that our hope is in One who is sovereign and does not disappoint. He is Provider and is drawing people to Himself through this time – glory to God!


Rob & Brenda Wall

Our Daily Bread | OLOCM

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