Preparing for home is at the best of times difficult. I always feel that there are so many opportunities and doors unopened. With so many relationships…with so many Pastors in the area….I never feel like there is any closure. The need is so great here and I always leave with an anxious soul. What a blessing to have good friends in the ministries that are making solid ground in Mexico. I always leave missing so much.
Of the many things I learned this March was how the Lord has a plan. We make decisions, but the Lord will always bring to fruition His will.
…tonight, a church is blessed because the Lord had favor at the borders. Truly a miracle!
I have served my whole adult life in Christian ministry, but I am humbled by what many sacrifice to bring whole communities to a relationship with Jesus Christ. I have been swept up in the care of whole villages and the integral part of working through the local Pastor. The battlefield is truly in the emerging nations and I am broken by the work of those etching out a living by day and preaching by night.
Continue to pray for the Pastors of our region. They reach out to the addicted, broken families, and needy of Baja. They have genuine hearts and sacrifice everything to help the poor and desolate; often giving up their own lives.
More and more I am convinced that empowering the indigenous church at home or abroad is a responsibility. The mission field is changing and we might be surprised by who is evangelizing us! Joel 2:25
May we “rend” our heart as Joel 2:12-13 says. So much promise in verse 14!