
” God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the called.” (Walter Bright)

Who does God call to be a missionary? Many people are led to believe before a person goes to serve in missions, they need to have all their finances and a secure retirement package in place, and also need endless hours of training. When Jesus said “Follow me”, his disciples dropped their nets and went. They didn’t reply, “we need a little time to put some retirement funds away first”, or “let me see how much I can get for my boat and nets”, or even, “shouldn’t I be taking some courses first?” No, they just followed. That is all Christ asked of them. It is the same today. God wants people with a heart for missions and will provide them with the knowledge and understanding they need as they walk forward on the journey God has planned for them.

Does God promise this is going to be an easy journey? No. The reality is, those who are called often have children going to school or getting married, grand children to visit and other expenses that “normal” people experience. Most do not complain, because that is the life they chose and are not in it for financial gain. The hard part is trying to explain this to others. Until one is ready and willing to leave family and financial security themselves, it is hard to understand what it really means to give it “all” up to serve God.

People who have heard and listened to God’s call and have family, friends and churches standing behind them, are truly blessed these days. Unfortunately there are many others who have been called, gone out and have had to return home. Not because they “heard God wrong” or lost their passion, but because of this lack of support.

As you read this, is God putting a certain person on your heart or reignited a journey in your life that has been put on hold? Consider the blessing it would be to others, and yourself, to enable someone to continue the work God has called them to do. Or, maybe God is asking you to step out in faith and join them.

Remember, God never sends you to where He is not, He calls you to where He is waiting.

by: Stan Schulz

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