Spoke This Into Motion

It’s been over a month since my last blog and I apologize to those who are following this. Thanks to those who push me to get back to my writing and keep me accountable. The Lord is moving in powerful ways and I…frankly, can’t keep up. Your prayers keep things sane and we are so thankful that the Lord has given us friends like you!

This week, Brenda and I spent Tuesday evening with a missionary to our region (San Quintin) that spoke of revival for Mexico and all the stuff that looks so odd to the outside but makes so much sense spiritually. It really fanned the flames of my heart…but, mostly spoke into the amazing things to come. God is really doing something here and it is coming fast. Let’s not be complacent, as the developing countries might just lead us to revival.



The Christian band, Addison Road wrote, “What do I know of Holy.” I often try to wrap my head around that…Exodus 3:1-15 and Isaiah 6:1-8 stuff…He is worthy to be praised and what we are doing is necessary as He “Spoke this into Motion” long ago (Jeremiah 29:11). Everything that happens with One Life is to praise our Lord as He generously reaches out to those in need in His planning and time. Our Lord is so beyond anything we can imagine and I continue to be amazed at how He can be all He is and still care for the least of us!

As the Christian artist Matt Maher sings, this month we “woke to reality.” With donations that covered the first phase of the school and paid for wrapping up lingering projects, it gave us the green light to start. It will be a busy summer as there are eleven families that will be given a home, plus the building projects at Los Olivos. Praise the Lord for those that have given so generously and changed so many things. The giving will be multiplied many times through ongoing support to the local community and church as countless lives will be changed for eternity! PTL!!

Over the next few months, please pray for protection as this work comes alongside the local church to push back darkness in the lives and the communities we serve in. Five different churches will be given a lot of attention this summer and will need your prayer. Plus Los Olivos will be home to the surrounding schools for a swimming program, incoming teams, and used as a place for Ministerials’ and baptisms for many churches. Not to mention the eleven house builds and VBS programs.

I am convinced that I serve a God that created this Universe and with a Word…spoke everything into existence. I continued to be humbled, as the simplicity of what we are doing here will be multiplied many times. With a connection to multiple churches around the base, everything you pray for and contribute reaches thousands! PTL!!

…I am convinced that He spoke this into Motion!

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