Complete Unity

John 17:23 “May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” (Jesus Christ)

As we focus on bringing the Pastors together to build unity through prayer meetings, building projects and joint outreaches, I am seeing that they need more then just us encouraging them and facilitating their unity. They need to see us doing the same, teaching by example.

On Sunday, July 17, OLOC offered the park at Los Olivos for the day to Eternal Anchor, a local ministry that operates a special needs program. Through this they were able to bless around 35 special needs children, from just under 2 years old up to 18 years old, along with their families. With what we already have in place and what they were able to bring, many activities were available for them to enjoy, including the playgrounds, zip line, bounce houses, craft stations, a bible story/lesson, a fish taco lunch, which was supplied by a local church, and the swimming pool, which many had never experienced before.

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But it doesn’t stop there. Another ministry in the area is sending their summer teams to Eternal Anchor to help build a new facility and home to take care of their rapid growth and needs.

A ministry that operates a home for abused moms and their children, are teaching the moms some cooking and baking skills. Some of the other ministries closer to them are using these newly acquired skills to feed their groups, in turn giving these women income and self-worth. 

As we prepared for our own year of house builds, we received far more applications from needy families then we could provide for. I have been able to forward three of these to yet another ministry north of here, and because of this, these three families are being shown that God does care and loves them.


Mercy Tech Mission is a organization OLOC partners with. Together we built a shop, and 3 or 4 times a year, skilled mechanics donate their time to come for a week or two. During their time here they teach, hands on style, working on OLOC vehicles and also vehicles of the students and local pastors. During the rest of the year, the students are welcome to use the shop to practice their new learned skills on their own, using the tools provided.

All this said, what a relief it is to know that we can connect people with the ministries that are best suited to help in the different situations we come across. The body of Christ truly does have many different parts, for which I am very thankful. I just pray that I will be available when it is my part that is needed by others.

Stan Schulz
OLOC Mexico

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