Shiver Cold

What day is this? So, it’s 2:00 am and I hear the clock tick. No one to ask any questions or any need to make a decision. It should be the perfect time and place for my “nothing box”. Yet, my head is filled with so much…to the point I can’t sleep. As I write, […]

Share the Warmth

By Heather Molina When you think of Mexico, what typically comes to mind is something like palm trees, sun, and nice ocean waves, right? A lot of people are surprised that a cold-weather campaign would even need to exist – but during these winter months, the cold is very cold! Here in San Quintin, the […]

Called to Stand, Equipped to Serve

By Jeremy Tinsley, PrincipalDuncan Christian School During my 11+ years serving as a leader at Duncan Christian School, the Lord has opened my eyes to needs that I didn’t realize exist in Canada. We have students at Duncan Christian School on Vancouver Island who regularly deal with an inability to access safe drinking water in […]

More Threads in the Tapestry

It was the 90’s and, “We were young. None of us knew quite what to say, but the feeling moved among us in silence anyway. Slowly we made Quite a change. Somewhere we had crossed a big line. Down on our knees, we had tasted Holy Wine, and no one could sway us in a […]

No Other Way

No Other Way It has been so humbling to witness how the Lord is moving in the San Quintin Valley. The stories and emails of lives changed continue to come in…and it’s not always through our organization, but through the Pastors who have become our friends and partners. We assist, but they always do the […]

Parting Words

It has a been a year of adventure. Traveling Canada twice (once a bike and then again with a touring band), spending a summer up in the woods of northern BC planting trees, living in an co-op community project with 25 other 20-somethings, and spending time with the staff and directors of One Life investing […]

It’s Summer

I know this by the challenges and the way things continue to be difficult. Shouldn’t have expected otherwise! Shared with Pastor Basilio yesterday (a friend and Pastor to the community surrounding San Quintin) everything this year comes at a cost and is hard. This last week, six of us gave up 4 days. We worked […]


A couple of weeks ago, I scribbled down a verse and later thought it was insignificant. i went so far as to throw it out. …All last week I struggled to remember what it was! In the last seven days, a church from Chilliwack, BC blessed another family with a home. It was amazing as […]

March 2012

Preparing for home is at the best of times difficult. I always feel that there are so many opportunities and doors unopened. With so many relationships…with so many Pastors in the area….I never feel like there is any closure. The need is so great here and I always leave with an anxious soul. What a […]

With a Door Wide Open

Praise the Lord!! Los Olivos is paid for! It has been a difficult few weeks as I have tried to keep it quiet but, the Lord has provided funds to make a lot of prayer come to fruition…we are debt free! We can now move forward with our plan to support the local community through […]


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